art via @jykeebil

I'm Vyvy, he/him, 30s. Transmasc & queer (💉 10.11.23). Cuban American, South Florida based.

fandoms: Mostly HxH. Kyuushi. Trigun. Ace Attorney. Tiger & Bunny. Pokemon.

interests: Cosplay/makeup art/"craftsmanship (but no longer "competitive"). Pokemon Go. Crochet & fiber arts. I also write fic on AO3, but very sporadically.

BYF: I don't mind interacting with anyone, as long as you do so with mutual respect & keep in mind that I'm a 30+ year old adult with a job.

I occasionally post NSFW content on my alt Twitter @transgingder so feel free to follow if you're into that.ask for discord tag

Valor, level 50.playing more casually these days, but feel free to add. I send gifts more or less daily from Archipelago region and occasionally raid.